

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Saundaryalahari — The Saundarya Lahari meaning Waves Of Beauty is a famous literary work written by Adi Shankara. Its hundred and three shlokas (verses) eulogize the beauty, grace and munificence of Goddess Parvati / Dakshayani, consort of Shiva.The Saundarya… …   Wikipedia

  • turgus — tur̃gus (sl.) sm. (2) KBII107, K, K.Būg, Š, Rtr, turgùs (4) Kbr; SD1180, SD368, R, MŽ, M, L 1. R251,404, MŽ335,545, Kos94, K prekiavimo renginys, vykstantis ppr. tam skirtoje aikštėje nustatytomis dienomis: Didelis tur̃gus OZ59. Metinis tur̃gus… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • Sanskrit — (d.i. die schöne, seine Sprache). I. Sprache. Das S. war einst die Sprache der Bewohner von ganz Vorderindien bis zur südlichen Grenze des Mahrattenlandes, wo sie mit den nicht mit ihr stammverwandten Sprachen der Urbevölkerung Indiens, den… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Dvigu — A Dvigu is a type of compound in Sanskrit grammar. Its first constituent is a numeral, in the case of dvigu , itself an example for the type: * dvi gu = two cow = two cows . (The meaning having two cows is a bahuvrihi.) * tri loka = the three… …   Wikipedia

  • Sanskrit compounds — One notable feature of the nominal system of Sanskrit is the very common use of nominal compounds (samāsa), which may be huge (10+ or even 30+ words[1][2][3]), as in some modern languages such as German. Nominal compounds occur with various… …   Wikipedia

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